
Price when buying online. Packages are portable, ie they can be used by more users.  
Price when buying online. Packages are portable, ie they can be used by more users.
Variant Our recommendation Validity Price 1 entry
1 entry
1 entry For shock relief. 13. 04. 2025 390 390 choose
Pro nárazovou úlevu.
1 entry (ISIC)
1 entry (ISIC) Advantage for students under 26. 13. 04. 2025 340 340 choose
Zvýhodnění pro studenty do 26 let.
3 entries The first
3 entries The first For a new experience, procedure time max. 2 minutes.
*/ is linked with a unique bank account = you can pay only once from the same bank account
13. 04. 2025 900 300 choose
Pro nový zážitek a zbavení strachu z chladu, doba procedury max. 2 min.
*/ is linked with a unique bank account = you can pay only once from the same bank account
3 entries package
3 entries package For a new experience. 13. 05. 2025 1 080 360 choose
Pro nový zážitek.
5 entries package
5 entries package Injury prevention, regeneration. 13. 05. 2025 1 750 350 chosen
Prevence zranění, regenerace.
10 entries package
10 entries package Treatment of inflammation, injury, skin problems. 13. 08. 2025 3 300 330 choose
Léčba zánětů, poranění, kožních problémů.
20 entries package
20 entries package Treatment of long-term problems, skin diseases, postoperative conditions, long-term regeneration. 13. 09. 2025 6 200 310 choose
Léčba dlouhodobějších problémů, kožních chorob, pooperačních stavů, dlouhodobá regenerace.
3 entries simultaneously
3 entries simultaneously For a group of 3 consecutive people at the same time. 13. 05. 2025 900 300 choose
Pro skupinu 3 osob jdoucích po sobě ve stejný čas.
4 entries simultaneously
4 entries simultaneously For a group of 4 consecutive people at the same time. 13. 05. 2025 1 160 290 choose
Pro skupinu 4 osob jdoucích po sobě ve stejný čas.
5 entries simultaneously
5 entries simultaneously For a group of 5 consecutive people at the same time. 13. 05. 2025 1 350 270 choose
Pro skupinu 5 osob jdoucích po sobě ve stejný čas.

During the order you can choose a Gift Voucher (immediately after payment you will receive a color card with an entry code, which you will print yourself). You can choose to start the validity either immediately from the payment (crediting to our account) or from your later date (eg for a gift from 5 January) = the validity period will be automatically extended. The company can also be billed for the company with the text that the employer requires.

Select a service by clicking in the dot at the beginning of the line and then clicking the Order button at the bottom of the page.

Prices in Kč valid from 01. 07. 2022. This Validity is valid for crediting today. For example, if you pay for 3 days, it will be extended by 3 days. You will be valid for your order together with the entry code.

The entrance is transferable (it can be used by more people). Validity can not be extended.

5 entries package - Injury prevention, regeneration.
When drawing on the benefit, please complete the program:

Service: 5 entries package     Our recommendation: Injury prevention, regeneration.

Validity from: The date the payment was credited to our account or choose your own

Validity to: 62 dní od začátku platnosti

Entries: 5 entries

PRICE: 1 750 Kč

After sending the order, we will send you the payment information to your e-mail address.
Immediately after we receive the payment, we will send you the tax document and the unique code which you will use to present yourself at the cash register. If you pay from FIO Bank, you will receive confirmation within a few minutes. If you pay from another Bank in the Czech Republic, you will receive an automatic confirmation usually the next working day in the morning (if the amount and the variable symbol are correct).

Cryosauna will help
  • strengthen immunity
  • get rid of pain
  • heal wounds and scars
  • regenerate after fatigue
  • eliminate inflammation
  • increase fitness
  • reduce overweight
  • strengthen sexual appetite
  • harden
  • improve cellulite